With 10 drilling rigs operating simultaneously, the construction work for the 2025 production capacity of Sulige Gas Field, China's largest integrated gas field, commenced on Feb 8 in Ordos.
Long Yunhui, manager of the Sulige Gas Field Development Branch, said, "Today, with 10 wells being drilled at the same time, our capacity construction project team has put all its power into the task. In 2025, the capacity construction project team will deploy 2.51 billion cubic meters of capacity and drill 665 wells."
At present, 95 drilling rigs have been installed in the gas field, all expected to start in late February. Sulige Gas Field's capacity construction will cover an area of 40,000 square kilometers across five banners and counties.
The Sulige regional "Major Project" was established in 2011 and manages nearly 500 contractor teams. Using the Sulige Gas Field development Branch's integrated organization and operation advantages, it has helped the gas field produce more than 30 billion cu m per year for three consecutive years.
The drilling site.[Photo/WeChat account of Nuan news]
The real-time monitoring room.[Photo/WeChat account of Nuan news]