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Average Annual Wage of Employed Persons in Enterprise Above Designated Size in 2022

National Bureau of Statistics of China | Updated: 2023-05-10



The average annual wage of employees in enterprises above designated size nationwide in 2022 was 92,492 yuan, a nominal increase of 5.0% over the previous year. Among them, the wage of middle-level and above management is 189,076 yuan, an increase of 4.7%; the wage of professional and technical personnel is 133,264 yuan, an increase of 6.6%; the wage of office workers and related personnel is 85,881 yuan, an increase of 4.1%; the wage of personnel engaged in social production services and life services is 70,234 yuan, an increase of 3.3%; and the wage of personnel engaged in manufacturing and related personnel is 71,147 yuan, an increase of 3.9%.

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