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China's Economic Development and Development Economics Innovation


​China has experienced rapid economic growth since its reform and opening up 40 years ago.

Development Zones and Firm Innovation: Evidence from Shanghai


​A majority of Chinese high-tech firms were founded in development zones established by the Chinese government.

Research on the Innovative Development of China's Comprehensive Transportation System


​The comprehensive transportation system is the intensive development stage of the transportation industry.

Accelerating the Construction of New Development Pattern and the Paths of Manufacturing Transformation and Upgrading


​This paper reviews the basic implications and policy orientation of the new development pattern and the impacts of constructing the new development pattern on the manufacturing transformation and upgrading.

Leading High-Quality Development of Service Industry with Institutional Innovation


​To realize the transition from high-speed growth to high-quality development, it is necessary not only to change the way and path of economic growth, but also to speed up the improvement of the institutional system that is compatible with highquality development.

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