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East Asian Regional Cooperation Network and China's Path Choice


​The current East Asian regional cooperation framework is a complex system with multiple fields, levels, and players.

Theoretical Connotation and Historical Significance of Building a New Model of International Relations


​The international community is undergoing a profound transformation unseen in nearly one hundred years.

​Creating Strategic Opportunities: The Concept and Practice of China-ASEAN Security Cooperation


The cooperation between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) began with the establishment of dialogue relations between the two sides after the ending of the Cold War.

China and International Development Cooperation in a Time of Profound Global Changes


The shift in the global balance of power is an important feature of the epochal changes we are witnessing in our time.

The Chinese Export Displacement Effect Revisited: The Case of the East African Community


China's increasing exports have prompted research to examine whether Chinese exports displace those that originate from elsewhere.

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