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The Harvard-Yenching Institute (United States)


Founded in 1928, the Harvard-Yenching Institute offers fellowship programs to faculty members and doctoral students at leading East, Southeast, and South Asian universities in all fields of the humanities and social sciences.

The University of Oxford China Centre (United Kingdom)


The University of Oxford China Centre was founded in 2008.

Waseda Institute of Contemporary Chinese Studies (Japan)


The Waseda Institute of Contemporary Chinese Studies (WICCS), based at Waseda University, is an interdisciplinary research organization that brings together experts in a variety of fields in order to undertake a multifaceted approach to the study of contemporary China.

University of Sydney Centre in China (Australia)


The University of Sydney Centre in China is the first offshore education and research Centre established in 2016 by the University of Sydney.

Sungkyun Institute of China Studies,Sungkyunkwan University (Republic of Korea)


The Sungkyun Institute of China Studies was established in 2012 and was adapted and expanded from the East Asian Regional Research Institute of Sungkyunkwan University.

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