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Prominent Features of the System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and China's Governance System


​The system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and China's governance system have their own prominent advantages and features.

​The State Logic of Modernizing the Governance System


The governance system is the institutional carrier and mechanism guaranteeing the operation of the state.

Adaptive Social Mobilization in Grassroots Policy Implementation: Administrative Control and Multiple Participation


Grassroots policy implementation is an important link in China's governance practice.

​Meeting People's Aspirations to Live a Better Life with a Mature and Established System in China


As socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, the principal contradiction facing Chinese society has evolved to take the form of a contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people's ever-growing need for a better life.

National Capacity for Good Governance: Why Has the Social Project for Poverty Eradication Been Successful?


The absolute poverty eliminated by China has been a chronic affliction of human society.

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