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The Rule of Law Thought Centered on the People

Updated: 2023-11-20



Project Introduction: 

The project mainly focuses on comparing three aspects of the characteristics of the rule of law construction between China and Brazil, namely legislation, law enforcement, and the judiciary. From the legislative perspective, it discusses how the procedures and content of legislation can maximize the reflection of people's demands and the realization of their interests. From the perspective of law enforcement, how citizens, legal persons, and other organizations participate in public administrative decision-making and effectively supervise the legal implementation activities of administrative agencies has been explored. From the judicial perspective, it discusses how to make every citizen feel fairness and justice in every and their own specific judicial case. This project explores how to effectively implement democratic principles in legislation, law enforcement, and judicial procedures by reviewing the process of citizen participation in legislation, supervision of law enforcement, and defense of judicial fairness, in order to further enhance the legitimacy and effectiveness of rule of law construction.

Project hosts:

Mo Jihong (Institute of International Law, CASS)

Gao Wenyong (Getulio Vargas Foundation)

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