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Inheritance, Development, and Identity of the Spirit of the Chinese Nation in the New Era

Updated: 2023-12-01



Author: Quan Linchun

Publisher: China Social Sciences Press

Publication Time: February 2023

ISBN: 9787522713618

This book first analyzes the historical origins, development laws, spiritual characteristics, and contemporary values of the Chinese national spirit in the new era. Secondly, it explains the issue of identification with the Chinese national spirit in the new era, including the emergence and operation of the identification mechanism of the Chinese national spirit in the new era, as well as the theoretical and practical paths of identification. Inheritance and development are the foundation of its research, and identity issues are its focus.

Through the study of emotional identification with the spirit of the Chinese nation in the new era, the book continuously strengthens its innate identification based on cultural identity. By examining the interest identification with the spirit of the Chinese nation in the new era, it enhances its legitimate identification on the foundation of political identity. Additionally, through the study of value identification with the spirit of the Chinese nation in the new era, it reinforces its effectiveness on the basis of national identity. This book holds theoretical significance and practical value in promoting the inheritance, development, and identification of the Chinese national spirit in the new era.

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