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The Special Book Award of China Winner: Mechthild Leutner

Updated: 2024-03-31



Mechthild Leutner is a German sinologist and Professor Emeritus of Institute for Chinese Studies at the Free University of Berlin. She is also editor-in-chief of Berliner China-Hefte/Chinese History and Society and Berliner China-Studien. Her research fields include modern and contemporary history of China, particularly social, women's history, China-German relations, history of the Communist Party of China and history of German Sinology. She is the author of The Chinese Revolution in the 1920s: Between Triumph and Disaster, Birth, Marriage and Burial in Beijing: Folk and Upper Culture from the 19th Century to the Present Day and Historiography between Politics and Science: On the Formation of Chinese Marxist Historical Science in the 30s and 40s, etc.

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