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Digital Trade Rules and the Position of Chinese Enterprises in the Global Value Chain


​Digital trade rules and higher positions of enterprises in the global value chain (GVC) are both important topics in the context of high-quality economic development.

​Composition and Development Strategies of an Industrial System for China's Modernization Drive


​The creation of a modern industrial system is a key priority for China's high-quality economic development.

Sister-city Ties and Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment: A Spatial Econometric Analysis


​This paper employs dynamic spatial econometric methods to analyze the impact of the sister-city relationship on Chinese outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) using a linked country-level dataset from 2003 to 2016.

China's Economic Development in the New Era: Challenges and Paths


​China's economy has seen rapid development ever since its reform and openingup strategy was launched in 1978.

Regaining China's Resource Reallocative Efficiency to Boost Growth


The structural changes that the Chinese economy has been experiencing since its working-age population began to decline pose challenges for its further growth.

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