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China Focus: How innovation props up China's high-quality development


Sci-tech innovation has played a decisive role in promoting China's high-quality development and modernization drive.

Green Technology Innovation under China's New Development Concept


Green technology innovation meets the dual expectation of innovative developmentand green development perspectives. Under the canonical demand-pull and policy-pushtheories, a long-term mechanism for green technology innovation could be formed throughupstream policy push and downstream demand-pull.

China's High-Quality Economic Growth in the Process of Carbon Neutrality


China has the largest energy system in the world, with fossil energy accounting for 84%. The carbon neutrality target calls for peaking carbon emissions by 2030 andachieving net zero carbon emissions by 2060.

Globalization of Services in the Internet Age: A New Engine, Acceleration and Major Power Competitiveness


The Internet and information technology have fundamentally changed the inefficient and non-tradable nature of the service industry and greatly strengthened the impetus for services globalization.

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