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Poverty Alleviation Practice and Theoretical Exploration Based on Small Farm Household Production: A Case Study of a Small-farm "Nested Market" Poverty Alleviation Trial


Market-oriented industry-type poverty alleviation has played an important role intargeted poverty alleviation in China, but this approach has had difficulty in obtainingcomprehensive coverage of extremely poor small-farm households and faces many challenges.

The Chinese Path to Rural Common Prosperity: Based on an Analysis of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Rural Demonstration Projects


Common prosperity in rural areas is integral to achieving common prosperity. This papermakes an in-depth analysis of Jiangsu and Zhejiang rural demonstration projects from astate-society interaction perspective.

Goal Evolution and Promotion Strategies of Rural Revitalization in the View of Common Prosperisty


Rural revitalization is not only an important development goal for the Chinese government, but also a path to development.

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